Closing Allena

Once you have generated and closed scheduled trainings for your employees for the day, close Allena to save memory and make it available for other programs

  1. In the toolbar click File
  2. Click exit to close Allena


To uninstall Allena simply delete the all copies of the database file. This program runs under Microsoft access and does not make any alterations to your system files which is why an uninstall utility is not provided.

How To Create a New Datasource?

Allena training management system allows you to create different databases also known as datasources. You can manage different companies or organizations by linking to different datasources. For example, an organization might have two divisions. Each division has different departments. Separate training tracking per division by creating two different datasources.

Create a new datasource.

  1. Go to the Ribbon
  2. Click on the Home tab
  3. Under File section of the Home ribbon click on New … button
  4. A window shows up asking for the name and location of the new datasource.
  5. Under New Datasource Location enter a folder location for the new file that is NOT under Allena’s installation folder.
  6. Click on Create button and Allena will relink to the new datasource.


All new datasources should be create outside Allena’s installation folder and backed up often.

Before Entering Your Training Management Data

Gather information about employees and training requirements for your organization or facility. There are 2 ways to organize your training tracking records.

Application Navigation To obtain a better idea about required information to build your training management database, navigate through all main forms first (employees, contacts, training schedule, schedule history, etc.) While inside a main form consider fields that define your data in more detail. These fields are located inside a data detail input forms (DDIF). DDIF’s are only accessible through record view forms and can be found by clicking on buttons with double arrows pointing downward.

Data detail input forms are located in these main forms; Employees -> Status, Department Contacts -> Group, Other1 Type, Other2 Type, Other3 Type Training Scheduler -> Training Title, Type, Trainer, Documentation Training -> Required by, Type, Media, Documentation, Location, Trainer Registrations -> Documentation Type Some fields in DDIF are limited to a few characters long and require the use of a code. Consider neglecting vowels when defining your codes in order to fit the fields.

Enter basic training data into Allena in order to be able to generate concurrent trainings. Data entry does not have to be set up at once, but certain information must be entered before trainings can be generated. It is highly recommended that you switch to our sample datasource included with Allena to get familiarize with the data entry and how they relate to each other.

Change the DataSource File

Allena training management system allows you to manage different companies or organizations by linking to different datasource files. For example, an organization might have two divisions. Each division has different departments. Separate training tracking per division by creating two different datasources. To manage training for employees of the division just relink or change to each datasource.

  1. Go to the Ribbon
  2. Click on the Home tab
  3. Under Tools section of the Home ribbon click on ReLink
  4. Practice switching to a different data source by connecting to a provided sample data source called allena_be_sample.accdb

The Ribbon

The Ribbon is designed to help you quickly find the commands that you need to complete a task. Commands are organized in logical groups that are collected together under tabs. Each tab relates to a type of activity, such as writing or laying out a page. To reduce screen clutter, some tabs are shown only when they are needed. There is no way to delete or replace the Ribbon with the toolbars and menus from the earlier versions of Microsoft Office. However, you can minimize the Ribbon to make more space available on your screen.

Using the Help File or Support Webpage

Allena help file or support webpage shows how the following terms are used to describe mouse actions and keyboard functions:

Mouse Actions

Click – Press and release the left mouse button. Double click – Click the left mouse button twice. Right click – Press and release the right mouse button. Check a box Move the mouse pointer over a check box and click it to activate or deactivate it. Turn on a box by putting a check in it.

Keyboard Functions

<Tab> Move the focus of the cursor to the next available control. <Enter> Moves the focus of the cursor to the next available control or commits a transaction. <Delete> Remove selected data from fields and some datasheets. <ESC> Stops a function.

View a Sample Datasource

Allena is designed to work with a datasource file. A datasource file is also known as a backend database. You can create as many copies as needed of the default datasource file that comes with Allena. This default datasource is named allena_be_empty.accdb. Use windows explorer to find this file and make as many copies as necessary. To view a sample datasource that has sample data entered follow these steps.

  1. Begin by getting familiarize with the database
  2. Go to the main menu or ribbon
  3. Click on the Home tab
  4. Under Sample Files section of the Home ribbon click on View Sample Database

Explore the different modules provided by Allena by generating new trainings, adding new employees or contacts.

How to Start Networking

List everyone you know professionally with whom you want to reconnect. Motivate yourself by starting with people you like, respect and share mutual work or personal interests.

  • Make connecting a priority. Schedule time weekly to contact different people.
  • Connect in whatever way you prefer: talk by phone, have coffee/lunch, work out together, etc.
  • If your time for connecting is limited, use e-mail
  • To meet new contacts attend all hands meetings, seminars and other talks. If you prefer, go with a colleague/friend for support when meeting new people.
  • Create ways to motivate people to connect with you:

– Give presentations and speak with audience members afterwards
– Include your e-mail address on your presentations and handouts
– Work with people outside your job group: Contribute to a cross-functional team
– Participate in a community volunteer project

  • Express appreciation for your contacts’ help and tell them how their information was of value to you
  • Build mutual connections by sharing information, contacts and referrals with others
  • Follow through with information and referrals from contacts

Getting Started

Get started with Allena training management software. The first step is to create a new datasource.

Training Management - Getting Started

What is a DataSource?

Allena is a combination of two main files, the user interface and the datasource. The user interface is also known as the Front End. The front end provides with  navigation interface, training, registration, contacts and scheduler windows as well as toolbars, reporting, sorting and filtering features. The datasource is where all the data; employees’ names, birthdays, training information, etc is saved.

You can create different datasources for different companies or organizations and connect with that data individually to manage those trainees.

Looking At A Sample DataSource

By looking at a sample datasource you can get familiarized with Allena’s structured and data. Visualize how your data will look finally look.

1. First, open Allena and go to the Home Tab located in the Ribbon (toolbar) on the left top section of the user interface.

2. Click on View Sample Datasource located under the Sample Files section

Training Management Software - Allena

Allena interface has been redesigned to provide user a minimalist look and efficient interface.

Starting Allena

iTrainingTracking Management Software runs on a Windows operating system. If you are unfamiliar with Windows procedures, refer to the Windows documentation before starting Allena.

There are a few ways to start itrainingtracking on Windows Vista

  • Start Windows. From Windows Desktop
  • Double-click the Allena iTrainingTracking Icon on the desktop. A splash screen displays for a second and then the main menu.

Training Management - Starting Allena

Or From the file manager

  1. Open the file manager.
  2. Switch to Allena’s installation subdirectory.
  3. Double click allena.exe.

How To Manage Your Company’s Training with This Training Management Software

How can you schedule trainings for 23 employees in 20 seconds? iTrainingTracking Software has just released Allena 3.3.2 beta version, free training management software that tracks employee’s training with ease and organized manner.

Boulder, CO. October 7, 2010 – Allena has a clean, open interface and big buttons. Let’s face it, if you have to do something as boring as scheduling training for, your or, others employees you want a tool that gives you big buttons, easy navigation, and helps you schedule everybody in seconds.

Allena is intuitive and easy to learn. We have minimized the screens and removed most redundant feature found in nowadays training management software. In a few easy steps you will be managing your staff’s training requirements with ease.

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