How To Get Your Free Trial of an Employee Training Tracking Software

iTrainingTracking (Formerly Micromango) Software offers a 30 day free trial of Allena Training Tracking Software. To get your free trial copy just go to

  1. Find the right sidebar and look for a name and email submit form
  2. Enter your name and email, then click on “Yes, Let’s Start the Free Trial” Button
  3. After you have click and submit your information, a new page is shown titled “Confirm Your Request For download”. This page explains what to do once you have receive an activation email

How To Know When an Employee has Completed Training

We recommend using a training roster. A training roster is a word document used to keep track on employees’ attendance to the training.

Give or send by email the training roster to the trainer and request to have attendees print and sign their names on it.

A training roster has a header with the following paragraph communicating and promoting attendees to ask questions and proof they have attended the training;

I herein state that I’ve attended the training or read the required material noted above (training title). All questions have been properly answered to fully understand the material, procedures, and/or any responsibility related to my job and safety procedures.

Please, fill the following information properly related to the training above.

After the training, request the trainer for the original so you can save this in your files or scan, keep or save in your local server.

Here is an example of a training roster you can download and use in your company; Training roster

How to Download iTrainingTracking Software

Once you have entered you have received a  confirmation email and click on the activation link, you will be taken to a download page.

note: activation of the software is free and only requires your email address. Registration of the software is when you pay unlocking the software’s main features and benefits.

  1. Click on the Download Now button
  2. If you are using Firefox Browser, a download window will pop up showing you the download progress of the installation file.
  3. Wait until the file setup.exe has been completely download it to your download folder