Manual Activation of Serial Number

activate serial number trainingIf you have purchased a previous version of Allena and have downloaded the latest version, Allena might recognize your computer and perform the activation automatically.

If automatic Activation does not happened follow the following steps to enter your serial number and activate your license.

  1. Locate the ribbon at the top area of the desktop window
  2. On the Home tab find the Activation area on the far right of the ribbon
  3. Click on the Activate Manually button
  4. In the Activation dialog box. Before entering your serial number, make sure your computer is connected to the internet. The activation of the serial number is done through the internet by asking our third parties servers for an approval token
  5. Click Activate to send your serial number information to our servers
  6. After activation is successful, the software will restart not showing how many days are left in your trial.
  7. If your manual activation is unsuccessful please contact